Truck accident lawyer

If you or a loved one has suffered injuries as a result of an accident that involves a large tractor-trailer, then you are most likely in pain and you are trying to determine your next steps. A truck accident lawyer such as the ones available at Pioletti, Pioletti & Nichols, can help you to identify the liable party or parties, collect the evidence, interview eyewitnesses, negotiate with the insurance companies and if necessary take your case to trial.

A truck accident lawyer is going to be able to handle all aspects of your case what you focus on handling or taking care of the family member who was injured due to the accident.

When it comes to determining liability in a truck accident case, they are more complex than vehicle to vehicle crash cases. You might believe that only the truck driver is responsible for the accident but there may be more the one responsible party to hold accountable for your injuries and losses. Some of those potential defendants are:

  • The truck driver
  • The trucking company
  • The truck manufacturer
  • The shipping company that loaded the cargo
  • Insurance companies
  • Government entities

If the driver is an independent contractor of a larger company then the issue may be how much supervision the company executes over their contractors. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration otherwise known as the FMCSA regulates commercial trucks on the United States roadway.

Perhaps a part of the truck fell during the transport which caused the accident, which means that the truck manufacturer or the company that makes the parts bears some liability. A truck accident lawyer is going to be able to help you identify all of the liable or potentially liable parties in your particular case and they will be able to help you hold them responsible.

Whether compiling a claim to present to the insurance company or presenting your case to a jury, a truck accident lawyer can do all of the following which allows you to focus on your recovery or the recovery of a loved one. Some of the things that your truck accident lawyer is going to do to build a compelling case are:

  • Investigate and collect evidence in your case which includes police reports, videos or photos from the scene of the accident, any data from the trucks onboard electronic information system, eye witness statements, expert testimony and more.
  • Gather and compile all of your medical bills and expenses which relate to the injury in addition to any document that proves the loss. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention car accident injuries often require emergency medical care in the hospital, and this is something that your lawyer is going to be able to try to get you compensation for.
  • Identify all potential liable parties and insurance carriers.
  • Negotiate with the insurance companies for a settlement on your behalf.
  • Take the case to trial of the insurance companies are refusing to settle.

This is why you or your loved one might be facing serious injuries that require hospitalization, multiple surgeries or assists of medical devices and rehab. You should not have to fight with insurance companies on your own and stressing yourself out beyond the piling medical bills that you or your loved one may possess.