Azari Law Scholarship

As one of the top criminal defense and personal injury law firms in Laurel, MD, Azari Law, LLC is committed to:  Providing students with assistance in obtaining a higher education  Taking some of the financial burdens off of hard-working students All students should have the opportunity to attend college and achieve their goals. We are…


Bench Warrant

Knowing that you have any sort of warrant can be very frightening. You think warrant, you think jail. And no one wants to go to jail. There are many cases when an individual is completely unaware that there is a warrant for their arrest at all. So, imagine a simple and innocent run in with…


Negligence and Its Four Elements

To prove a responsible party legally liable for a personal injury, you have to prove that he or she was negligent. Because negligence is fundamental to a personal injury claim, it is essential that you understand what it means. Most people understand negligence to mean doing something without taking proper care. The legal definition is…


Talking to Police During a Criminal Investigation

In the past few weeks, the phrase I find myself repeating more than anything is “stop talking to the police.” Individuals call me with concerns that they may have committed a crime and are afraid they will be arrested. It always follows with, “when the police called me, I told them….” This is one of…


COVID-19, Temporary Protective Orders, and You

On March 12, 2020 Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbera ordered that all Maryland court houses be closed to the public until at least June 5, 2020. While the Courts are still hearing a very limited number of emergency matters, the vast bulk of cases involving members of the public have been postponed. This includes cases…
