Dealing with Auto Insurance Companies Following a Motor Vehicle Collision

When dealing with the insurance companies following an automobile accident you are rarely in good hands. Additionally, the insurance companies hardly act like a good neighbor. Putting all slogans aside, the insurance companies both yours and for the other vehicles involved are first and foremost businesses. Like most businesses, objective number one is watching their…


Protective Orders in Maryland Divorces

Oftentimes in a heated custody/divorce case, one party will do anything and everything they can to get an upper hand on the other party. As a practicing criminal and family attorney, I have noticed a mounting trend of individuals seeking protective orders in order to achieve this goal. In a typical scenario, it happens like…


The Importance of Hiring a Criminal Attorney Who is Local

I was sitting in District Court in Howard County today.  Howard County District Court is one of those jurisdictions where each judge is assigned a permanent courtroom.  Judge Brown is in Courtroom 2, Judge Brooks is in Courtroom 1, etc.…  This means that, as a practicing attorney, I am familiar enough with the jurisdiction that…


What to Do if in an Automobile Accident in Maryland

Laurel, Maryland is home to more than 25,000 residents, and spreads across Howard, Prince George’s and Anne Arundel Counties. With so many people hitting the road on their way to work or home, it is no surprise that automobile accidents or motor vehicle collisions can become a reality for the residents of these counties. If…


Digital Privacy at the U.S. Border

The Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agency as the authority to inspect and confiscate electronic devices of any traveler entering the United States, including that of Unite States citizens.  The government has asserted a broad authority to inspect an individual’s electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, and e-Readers.  This sometimes leads to CBP officials to…
