Knowing What to Do After A Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer It can be difficult to know what to do when you have been in a motorcycle accident. You have likely heard that you should be wary of speaking with insurance because they may try to entrap you so that you are left paying more of the bill than you deserve to pay.…


How a DUI Lawyer Can Assist 

DUI Lawyer Receiving a DUI is something that nobody wishes to go through and the potential ramifications that come with this charge may put someone under a great deal of stress. The charge may also mean that severe penalties could follow if found guilty. It’s important to know though that some DUI charges are made…


What Happens To Your Loved One’s Belongings?

Family lawyers deal with all types of matters pertaining to the family unit. Divorce, custody, alimony, child support, and more. We come in when times are difficult for many families and try to ease the burden the best way we can. Families go through many difficult times and it’s not just when parents are separating.…


Custody Do’s For Fathers and Mothers 

Custody Do’s For Fathers and Mothers    What do you think of when you hear the words child custody or family lawyer? You might think of a long-drawn-out battle between parents and the fact that the court has to get involved. Custody is a tough topic and no one can deny that. No one wants…


Public Intoxication

You get a promotion at your job and decide to go out with your friends to have a celebratory drink. One drink leads to the next and before you know it, you are stumbling outside of the bar searching for your keys. Your friends try to convince you that driving is not the best option…
